
Day 18: Harlem Macaroni Kid Christmas Countdown

Family Traditions: Stick Decorations

December 7, 2022

Here's another craft I started when my daughter was two years old, and it's been a tradition for nine years. 

I love seeing how the decorations get a little more detailed each year, and I hope she continues this tradition with her children in the future.

To make these decorations, use craft sticks or cut-out strips of cardboard.

Step 1: For Santa, paint the top and bottom of a stick red. Let it dry.

Step 2: Use a pen to draw on eyes, a nose and a belt

Step 3: Cut a beard and hat trim from white paper. Glue them on.

Step 4: Tape a loop of thread to the back.

For an elf, use green paint and red paper shapes.

For Rudolph, stick on a paper tummy, muzzle, ears and antlers. Draw on a face

For a snowman, paint the entire stick white. Stick on a paper hat, nose and scarf.

If you made any decorations, please post on our social media @mackidharlem. Happy crafting and quality family time.